Sunday, February 26, 2012

須藤元気(すどう げんき)


うたを書く人は須藤元気さんです。須藤さんはめがねをかけていて、スーツをきていて、ひげがあるひとです。せが少しひくくて、かおが四角いです。ダンスをするのがとても上手です。須藤さんは MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) をしました。エントランスはとてもおもしろかったです!

そして、須藤さんは仏教(ぶっきょう Buddhism ) の本を書きましたから、あたまがいいです!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Katakana Analysis Draft

「シュルルル」,Onomatopoeia, なるとまんが
カタカナ is often used for emulating sounds and noises. As indicated in our なかま textbook and various online sources, this is one of the easier-to-spot uses of  カタカナ. In this sense, カタカナ can be interpreted as conveying no inherent meaning in the characters, similar to its use serving as a loanword alphabet, in which the word itself contains no meaning, instead referring to a borrowed concept. Contrast this with ひらがな or かんじ, in which characters or sets of characters carry meaning.

「スズキ」、「ニュ-スリリース」, Business words, Suzuki Motors website
In orders of official business, カタカナ is often used. This is likely due to the historical/traditional relationship between カタカナ and patriarchal society. That is, areas of life more commonly associated with males is likewise linked to カタカナ. The visual appearance of カタカナ itself may also suggest a more serious, more reliable nature, contrasting with the more curvy, free form of ひらがな.

Saturday, February 11, 2012




