Tuesday, May 8, 2012




Saturday, April 21, 2012




Tuesday, March 27, 2012

カタカナ ワーク (Final)


Definitions (from jisho.org):

かみ - long ago, paper, hair, god/deity
かみなり - thunder
なり - shape, style, sound

Wednesday, March 14, 2012







Sunday, March 11, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Katakana Analysis

「ゴン」、「ザッ」、「シュルルル」、「ググッ」,Onomatopoeia, なるとまんが

カタカナ is often used for emulating sounds and noises. As indicated in our なかま textbook and various online sources, this is one of the easier-to-spot uses of  カタカナ. In this sense, カタカナ can be interpreted as conveying no inherent meaning in the characters, similar to its use serving as a loanword alphabet, in which the word itself contains no meaning, instead referring to a borrowed concept. Contrast this with ひらがな or かんじ, in which characters or sets of characters carry meaning.

The examples seen in the manga page are very interesting. The first,「ゴン」 , is fairly straightforward, perhaps similar to "gong", or some other loud, resonant sound effect. 「ザッ」and 「ググッ」both have a very interesting small ッ at the end. I suspect the intent is to indicate a staccato sound; that is, to signal an abrupt cut-off to the sound preceding. This style is often seen in sounds produced by sudden events or movements, often in a very dramatic fashion. Lastly, 「シュルルル」may represent some sort of repeated swishing noise or higher pitched rumbling.

A very interesting aspect of  カタカナ use in these sorts of situations is the physical appearance of the script. As opposed to ひらがな's rounder, more fluid strokes, カタカナ can be presented in sharp, angular styles. This often adds to the dramatic feel of the events and actions being illustrated, and I find that the characters themselves play a huge role in the feel of any given page or frame of まんが. The 「ゴン」script is even stylized to appear as if the text itself is being shaken and jarred by the event, and works to further engage the reader in subtle manners.

「スズキ」、「ニュ-スリリース」, Business words, Suzuki Motors website
In orders of official business, カタカナ is often used.  In this particular example, カタカナ and kanji are dominant, with ひらがな being used only as particles, and sparingly at that.This is likely due to the historical/traditional relationship between カタカナ and patriarchal society. That is, areas of life more commonly controlled by males is likewise linked to カタカナ. Of course, as gender roles have merged and blurred, this distinction may no longer be strictly valid, but it appears that the tradition of using カタカナ script for more male-controlled areas of life (such as business and government) have perpetuated.

While most sources and texts tend not to mention this area of カタカナ usage, some do refer to "orders of official business" as common areas, which I take to mean business itself, in a broader sense.

The visual appearance of カタカナ itself may also suggest a more serious, more reliable nature, contrasting with the more curvy, free form of ひらがな. This in turn suggests professionalism that many/most companies wish to present. The angles and straight(er) strokes of カタカナ may also convey a feeling of higher technical prowess. As such, many products appear to be named in カタカナ: 「アルドエコ」、「ソリオ」、「スイフト」、「MRワゴン」.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

須藤元気(すどう げんき)


うたを書く人は須藤元気さんです。須藤さんはめがねをかけていて、スーツをきていて、ひげがあるひとです。せが少しひくくて、かおが四角いです。ダンスをするのがとても上手です。須藤さんは MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) をしました。エントランスはとてもおもしろかったです!

そして、須藤さんは仏教(ぶっきょう Buddhism ) の本を書きましたから、あたまがいいです!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Katakana Analysis Draft

「シュルルル」,Onomatopoeia, なるとまんが
カタカナ is often used for emulating sounds and noises. As indicated in our なかま textbook and various online sources, this is one of the easier-to-spot uses of  カタカナ. In this sense, カタカナ can be interpreted as conveying no inherent meaning in the characters, similar to its use serving as a loanword alphabet, in which the word itself contains no meaning, instead referring to a borrowed concept. Contrast this with ひらがな or かんじ, in which characters or sets of characters carry meaning.

「スズキ」、「ニュ-スリリース」, Business words, Suzuki Motors website
In orders of official business, カタカナ is often used. This is likely due to the historical/traditional relationship between カタカナ and patriarchal society. That is, areas of life more commonly associated with males is likewise linked to カタカナ. The visual appearance of カタカナ itself may also suggest a more serious, more reliable nature, contrasting with the more curvy, free form of ひらがな.

Saturday, February 11, 2012






Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cycle 3: Reflection Statement

Over Christmas break, I was home in Taiwan, where I was exposed to a lot of Japanese culture and language. I was able to shadow some segments of news on local television channels, along with some exclamatory phrases from Japanese game shows.

It was tons of fun reading Japanese phrases and a lot of the menus had Japanese script.

I feel that my control of long vowels has improved and special moras such as double consonants have also become clearer!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012



台湾(たいわん)に たくさん夜市 (night market)があります。

寧夏夜市 (Ning Xia Night Market)

士林夜市 (Shilin Night Market)


Night markets feature small dishes with prices ranging from $0.75 USD to $3.00 USD. Seafood is a significant portion of the diet in Taiwan, and is featured quite prominently in Taiwanese, Japanese, and Chinese cuisine. 

蚵仔煎 (Pan-fried Oysters)
Pan-fried with vegetables, eggs, and vegetables. Served with magic sauce.

Visitors pick and choose among the huge selection of stalls and eat/purchase whatever they want. Any night of the week, night markets are full of people, and it's even more crowded during weekends (the atmosphere is quite unique and a crucial part of the experience).

糖葫蘆 (Candied Fruits)

魷魚羹 (Cuttlefish Stew)

胡椒蝦 (Pepper Shrimp)

豬血糕 (Pig's Blood Cake)

Monday, January 2, 2012


日本のすき焼きと台湾(たいわん)の火鍋(hot pot)がとても好きです。たくさんたべました。



Since coming back to Taiwan, I've eaten at a number of sukiyaki/hot-pot restaurants, each with its unique style and offerings. The first and foremost defining element is the soup base, ranging from sea-salt boiled seaweed to 味噌(miso) to chicken broth to vegetable stew and beyond. As you cook the foods and eat them, the flavor of the soup develops, making each meal a unique experience (even the order in which you cook the foods affects the end product). The great thing about this style of eating is that each person can order and eat exactly what he/she wants, and it's always fun to cook your own meal!